Curriculum Overview

At Ormiston Bridge Academy we offer a broad and balanced curriculum and learning experience for key stages 1 to 4 across our primary and secondary sites. This includes weekly opportunities to undertake valuable enrichment activities.

Students are taught in small classes of up to eight, and each class has support. Students work towards reintegration, GCSE outcomes and post-16 college places.

Curriculum offer 2023–24

The curriculum at Ormiston Bridge Academy is designed around our core values.  To be aspirational and to support children to be successful whatever their previous barriers. 

  • All children are taught English, Maths and Science in line with mainstream expectations.
  • All subjects are delivered by subject–specific qualified teachers who can provide a curriculum offer on par with the level of delivery expected in a mainstream setting.
  • KS3 has a distinct curriculum with an emphasis on core, to fill gaps that may have been missed during periods outside of class prior to coming to our academy.
  • Humanities, Enterprise and Literacy have been introduced to broaden our offer and better prepare children for reintegration.
  • KS4 has a curriculum that continues to focus on core with an option block that includes Business, Art and PE.   
  • GCSE Citizenship is offered to all KS4 children to develop cultural capital.
  • PSHE is delivered to all year groups as timetabled lessons to support personal development and keep all children safe.
  • CIAG is delivered throughout KS4.
  • We believe enrichment should be central to school life and therefore enrichment based activities are offered weekly to KS3 and Year 10. 
  • There are additional opportunities for accreditation and every child has the opportunity to achieve at least 5 GCSEs.