There are strong and well-evidenced links between excellent attendance and excellent student achievement. At our academy, we work with students, families and external professionals to achieve the highest level of attendance.
While illness and injury are an unfortunate part of everyday life, it is important that they do not hamper your child’s education and we encourage all students to be in all lessons. Necessary medical or personal reasons for absence must be kept to a minimum and parents/carers should follow the absence procedure below.
Parents/carers should follow one of the following steps to report an absence. We request that where possible, planned absences are reported in advance, rather than on the day. In line with the attendance policy, we kindly ask if the school could be notified by 8am on each day of their child’s absence.
Repeated absence
Attendance that is less than 96% will initiate contact and close monitoring with the Attendance Officer and Student Services Manager. We will endeavour to establish the reason for repeated absence and identify a plan of support to improve attendance.