Careers Programme

Ormiston Bridge Academy Careers Plan (Academic Year 2023 to 2024)

Policy reviewedJune 24
Next review December 2024
AuthorKeziah Raphael
Approved bySenior Leadership Team

Ormiston Bridge Academy is committed to providing a planned programme of Careers Education and Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) for all students in years 7 – 11. We aim to develop student employability skills and inform about local, national and international labour market information, guide students to explore and develop career ideas and high aspirations, educate students on the complete spectrum of post 16 pathways and prepare them for successful post 16 transitions. CEIAG is an integrated aspect of Bridge Academy’s SMSC and PSHE policies and ensures students are prepared for life and work in Britain today by:  

  • raising aspirations and increasing motivation  
  • encouraging the development of personal responsibility and resourcefulness • fostering key learning skills (recording and reviewing experiences and achievements; target setting; planning ahead)  
  • bringing relevance to other areas of the curriculum  
  • contributing to the development of information and communication skills  
  • encouraging students to contribute to local, national and international economy  

Careers Education and Information, Advice and Guidance sets out to enable all individuals to become effective planners and managers of their own careers in a rapidly changing world of learning and work. In this way children and learners will get a good start and are well prepared for the next stage in their education, training or employment. All young people, regardless of their race, sex and academic abilities need a planned programme of activities to help them make decisions and plan their careers, both in school and after they leave.  

The 2018 Careers Statutory Guidance places a duty on a school to give all students access to careers education and impartial information, advice and guidance. This includes an expectation for educators and training providers of approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships to be given access to all students in year 8 to year 13 to inform them of courses and qualifications as alternatives to academic and school-based routes. In practice, this may take the form of a visit from a university, technical college, FE college or training provider of apprenticeships and technical options.  

Students attending Ormiston Bridge Academy are entitled to the following with regards to careers:  

  • For the Gatsby Benchmarks to be met to ensure outstanding CEIAG  
  • To receive a stable careers programme from Year 7 that continues until they leave school  
  • To receive relevant careers guidance and have access to independent careers information and guidance, including labour market data where relevant  
  • To receive personal advice that helps the student achieve their individual careers goal – whether that is Further or Higher Education, an apprenticeship or training or employment  
  • To be equipped with the necessary skills to prosper in HE and employment  
  • To have relevant knowledge to make realistic and achievable goals based on their own interests and skill, whilst taking into account local job market and relevant entry requirements  
  • To receive up to date information about careers and skill-developing opportunities  
  • To understand how different subjects help keep different options open  
  • Opportunity to access additional help, whether this need is generated from a change of decision, personal circumstances or additional needs  
  • To have meaningful and helpful encounters with employers and other education providers  

Students are expected to:  

  • Put in effort and fully engage with CEIAG activities in both subject and PSHE lessons, assemblies and sessions with local employers and educators  
  • Utilise the available careers resources  
  • Participate in Academy run workshops  
  • Attend information events such as Careers Fairs  
  • Ask for guidance if unsure about anything or struggling  
  • Take advantage of opportunities offered outside school, such as signing up for Academy trips and participating in projects  

The aims of our CEIAG programme are that students will:  

Understand themselves and develop their capabilities to make realistic career decisions  
  • assess their own needs, interests, values, aptitudes and aspirations  
  • reflect on these matters and develop the knowledge, self-reliance, key skills and other capabilities required for working life  
Investigate careers and opportunities to make informed career decisions  
  • understand changing patterns of careers and work  
  • find out about local, national and international opportunities in education, training and work  
  • gain direct experience of work as part of the curriculum  
Implement their career plans

Develop an increasing autonomy in making decisions and implementing career planning  

  • review and evaluate their decisions and cope with change  
  • gain access to sources of further help and weigh up the advice offered  
  • acquire skills for making effective transitions  
Develop career management skills to help manage transitions through education into work  
  • decision-making  
  • action planning  
  • negotiating  
  • self-presentation  
Value individual difference and promote equality  
  • having regard for and valuing individual difference to develop a positive self-image, increased self confidence  
  • broadening career aspirations and horizons  
  • challenging stereotypes and discrimination, including self-stereotyping by students and the stereotypes they hold of others so that any gaps in achievement between different groups of children and learners are narrowed.  
  • addressing barriers faced by individuals that limit opportunities, thus helping all young people to achieve their full potential, for example young people with learning difficulties who are capable of employment  
  • supporting students who make non-traditional choices  

To raise aspirations, promote equality of opportunity, celebrate diversity and challenge stereotypes in support of the Academy’s Public Sector Equality Duty, CEIAG will be delivered in the curriculum, in assemblies and at key transition points.  

CEIAG will be supported through a number of mediums including:

  • Careers fairs  
  • Guest speakers  
  • Mentors  
  • University visits  
  • Bespoke visits  
  • Whole-school drop down days  
  • High quality on line career websites  
  • All students will have access to information on post-16 opportunities, e.g. sixth form routes, further education, higher education, foundation learning, training, apprenticeships and the world of work and careers information 

To support the monitoring, review and evaluation of Ormiston Bridge Academy’s CEIAG, CEIAG is built into the school’s Self Evaluation and Development Plan. This SEF is regularly reviewed to ensure that each aspect’s effectiveness is at the highest standard, and if this is not the case, actions for improvement are documented.  

CEIAG actions in the SEF are to ensure that all pupils are well prepared for their next stage of education, employment and training. Due to the work of the school’s CEIAG, students have the knowledge and skills that will enable them to excel. It is also to ensure that all students receive unbiased high quality careers guidance, with the opportunities for encounters with the world of work.  

Monitoring review and evaluation will take place through a range of mediums:

  • Surveys for students and parents/carers  
  • Student portfolios  
  • Student voice  
  • Teacher assessment, evaluation and feedback  
  • Focus groups  
  • Case studies  
  • Destination data from post-16 providers  
  • Liaison with the Early Help Team