To celebrate the end of the first term in its newly refurbished space, Bridge Primary held its Christmas performance, involving all learners in songs, vignettes, and readings. The performance, created in collaboration with the Lyric Theatre in Hammersmith and the REWIND project, showcased the school’s nurturing, values-led environment. Learners participated in 10 drama workshops as part of the REWIND project, which aims to re-engage students at risk of exclusion by using theatre to address underlying issues, promote teamwork, and encourage alternative behaviors in a safe environment.
Feedback received included the following:
Lyric Theatre staff: ‘We have loved working with your learners and also your team. Please pass on our thanks and appreciation. The support we had from them all contributed to the absolute success of the Project. Monday was such a Joy and pleasure to be a part of.’
Parent: ‘I was overjoyed as I have never been able to see my child in a Christmas concert or play. They were never included’
Learner: stated they were proud that they were able to “take risks and perform in front of that many people”